Using dynamic & custom parameters in Results and Leads
There are dynamic parameters that you can use in the result cards and result leads on the results screen.
These parameters will only work correctly on the results screen.
These are as follows:
- Content title
- Content id
- Result title
- Voted answers
{q1}, {q2}
- Use the question order you see in the editor.
- Session ID
- Score(for calculator content)
- Custom query string params
- CustomID
Supported fields
Parameters can be used in these fields.
- Result title
- Result description
- Result url
- Result lead title
- Result lead message
- Result lead redirect url
Usage examples
- For example, there is a color question as the first question in the content and you want to use the user's answer to the color question in the result description:
We are showing you these products because you wanted {q1} color products.
And it seems like this:We are showing you these products because you wanted red color products.
- Usage in URLs:{puid}&%custom1%&{result_title}